Course Description
Diabetic foot infection is devastating both to the patient and the health care systems. This program will address the ten most common questions with regard to the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot infection and the evidence-based recommendations presented by the 2012 IDSA Diabetic Foot Infection Guidelines.
Learning Objectives
- Be able to properly classify diabetic foot infections
- Know when a patient should be hospitalized and the criteria for discharge
- Be able to select and know when to modify an antibiotic regimen
- Know when and how to obtain specimens for culture
Intended Audience
Podiatric Physicians and Podiatric Office Staff
Time to Complete Activity
1.0 hours
No charge
Commercial Interest
No commercial interest provided financial support for this continuing education
Warren S. Joseph, DPM, FIDSA
Dr. Joseph is a podiatric and infectious diseases attending at Roxborough Memorial Hospital in Philadelphia, PA. He is a specialist in the treatment of lower extremity infectious diseases. He received his podiatric degree, magna cum laude, from W.M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine in Chicago. Dr. Joseph completed his postgraduate training in podiatric medicine/surgery at St. Joseph's Hospital, and a fellowship in infectious diseases at Hahnemann University School of Medicine, both in Philadelphia.
Dr. Joseph is a fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and sits on the IDSA Diabetic Foot Infection Guidelines Committee. He is also certified by the American Board of Podiatric Medicine, and currently serves as Editor of the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association. Dr. Joseph lectures extensively and has authored a number of papers and book chapters in the field of lower extremity infections and is the author of the Handbook of Lower Extremity Infections, now in its third edition.
In accordance with the Council on Podiatric Medical Education's Standards and Requirements for Approval of Providers of Continuing Education in Podiatric Medicine, any relevant financial relationships between instructors and planning committee members with a commercial interest must be disclosed to program participants.
None of the planning committee members have anything to disclose. Dr. Joseph is on the speaker’s bureau for Merck.
Date Recorded:
Date Activity terminates:
9/19/2021 (3 years after recorded date)
Sponsored by the Podiatry Insurance Company of America (PICA).
PICA Copyright 8/8/18
Director of Continuing Education
3000 Meridian Blvd., Ste. 400
Franklin, TN 37067
Phone: (800) 251-5727, ext. 2107
Fax: (615) 324-9116